Get the Highest Grade in Short Answer Questions

The majority of professors adore questions-answers assignments, as they are considered the fastest way of grading students. Moreover, preparing such a test does not cause any problems, as any item of information can be easily transformed into a question. In general, students have to answer about 25 test questions a week and about 100-125 test questions throughout the entire course. The tests including short answer questions may be taken either at home or at school. It is obvious that doing such a test at home is much easier. However, some professors do not prefer using modern online instruments to handle such type of assignment. Can you imagine responding to more than a hundred questions in written form?

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Questions-Answers Test Format

There is a great difference between questions-answers tests and other assignments. When taking such a test, you are supposed to examine the provided questions and answer them in the most appropriate way. Note that it is required to apply a common essay question format when responding to such type of test questions. Your response should start with an intriguing introductory statement illustrating the point the question is concentrated on. Them, you need to compose the main paragraph, i.e. the body, providing a detailed description of the subject. Your response should end with a concluding phrases summing up the chief ideas. The purpose of assigning such a task to students is to check whether they have well-developed analytical skills.

Kinds of Questions

  • Multiple choice questions. When dealing with such type of questions, you will have to choose a correct response from the offered alternatives. Be very attentive when responding to the questions including such option as “all of the above.” They demand students to be highly knowledgeable about the subject.
  • Filling in the blanks. You will be given a text with blank spaces. Your task is to pick a correct answer from the presented options and fill in the gaps. In order to answer such questions properly, one should have rich vocabulary, know grammar perfectly, and be able to analyze different issues.
  • Word building. This kind of questions is more suitable for students studying languages. You need to select the right form of the word paying attention to the given another part of language.
  • Connecting. When doing this type of assignment, it is necessary to connect two sentences by their meaning. If to be precise, you will be given two sentences. One sentence will include a key word, while the other - a gap. You need to join them together ensuring they match each other in terms of meaning.
  • Matching. Here, you are required to match a definition with the parts of a sentence or a text. When dealing with such questions, draw your attention to conjunctions and even minor details.

How to Order a Questions-Answers Assignment

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How to Write Good Essay Questions

Students are sometimes assigned to create a questions-answers essay. When doing such an assignment, you need to not only answer the questions but also produce introductory and concluding sections, and arrange your responses in a logical order so that they make a coherent piece. In this case, you may follow the paper writing and formatting rules. You need to use 12-pt font size, set 1″ margins and apply double spacing to your work.

Note that some professors like to include rather tricky questions in the tests. That is why in order not to fail your assignment, you need to explore the issue which you are asked about, and only then develop the prompt.

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Hints on How to Do Questions-Answers Tasks Well

When reading short answer questions, try to determine the key points and significant details of each item. Before starting producing your response, it is rather helpful to read the prompt several times to understand everything properly. Keep in mind that your response has to be structured accordingly. Take a look at the example given below:


Reiterate the question once you begin producing your response. Thus, your professor will see that you fully comprehend the query.


  • In case the question includes a few sections, respond to each of them. Remember that you will not get any points for partially answered written test questions.
  • In case the query contains bullet points, create a separate paragraph for each of them. For example, if a prompt comprises two bullet points, your answer will consist of two paragraphs.
  • In cased the bullet points are also divided into sections, answer all of them.

Supporting facts:

  • In order to show that your answer is valid, you are required to base it on concrete facts and not your own suggestions.
  • In order to support your opinion, you may include quotations in your answer.
  • Make smooth transitions between the paragraphs. For instance, “According to the statement mentioned in a previous paragraph…”


  • Produce a firm conclusion in order to earn extra points.
  • Summarize the main points of your response. State how the discussed issue may be applied and whether you have ever dealt with it in real life.

Bear in mind that your response has to be finished with a solid statement.

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It is necessary to emphasize that you need to give correct responses to all test questions without exception. In order to answer the presented questions properly, you should analyze the subject painstakingly. What is more, remember that a good response is an objective one. Therefore, strive to properly evaluate the issues the test questions are focused on. Mind that professors like reading profound pieces of writing. To conclude, examine the provided question in detail and try hard to produce an appropriate response.

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