Additional Services

Progressive Delivery

Our company offers a progressive delivery service to help the customers manage their long (more than 20 pages double-spaced and more than 10 pages single-spaced) papers.

The service has the following advantages:                                    

  • Clients can control the writing process from the very beginning since they will receive the paper draft/parts for approval.
  • While a standard order has only two days for a free revision, a progressive delivery option allows 30 days for the paper to be revised for free.
  • The paper will be assigned to the top writers and editors.
  • The order will have a personal manager who will make the communication between the writer and the customer more efficient.

Drafts delivery policy*:

  • For papers with 4 days urgency and less, the first draft is sent after 50% of the deadline has passed (e.g., if a paper has 4 days urgency, the first draft will be sent in 2 days). The draft will comprise 25% of the total paper volume (e.g., 5-pages draft for a 20-page paper);
  • For papers with 5 days and more than 5 days urgency, the first draft is sent after 25% of the deadline has passed, the second draft is sent after 50% of the deadline has passed. The length of the draft will comprise 25% and 50% of the total paper length respectively;
  • For the papers with 12+ days urgency: the first draft is sent after 25% of the deadline has passed, the second draft is sent after 50% of the deadline has passed, the third draft is sent after 75% of the deadline has passed. The length of the draft will comprise 25%, 50%, and 75% of the total paper length respectively.

You have to pay only 15% more.

*Customers can create an individual plan of delivery based on their preferences. The details have to be discussed with the order manager.

Additional Services for Papers less than 20 Pages Long

  • One-page Summary of Your Paper

Customers who want their papers to be briefly summarized in one page can order one-page summary service. This option is suitable for customers who have to report on their research.

  • Draft of Your Pape

A customer will receive a one-page draft (300 words for double spaced orders and 600 words for single-spaced orders) of his/her paper after 50% of the deadline have passed (e.g., if a paper has 2 days urgency, the draft will be sent in 1 day).

  • Extended Revision

A customer can request a free revision of his/her order during 48 hours after the paper deadline expiration. Extended revision enables them to prolong this option to 14 days. Testimonials

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